Today at 1:13pm I received my first phone call from a principal. Mr. Cleaven said that Ethan had pushed a little girl in the stomach during recess and was now going to miss lunch recess tomorrow. Now, I am a believer in crime and punishment however, I think there was a little more going on then what good old Mr. Cleaven's detective work came up with.
Since school has started Ethan has been complaining about a little girl in his class who is "mean to him." These complaints are almost daily! At first I really thought it best for him to just ignore her. There are going to be people like that the rest of his life and he needs to not let it bother him. Brian and I were just discussing the need to talk to Ethan's teacher, Mr. Mike, about what he is saying and try and get his perspective of the whole situation.
So, today while I was talking to the principal I expressed that Ethan has been saying this little girls is mean to him. Then he asked me what he means by "mean." My thought was WHO CARES IT IS AN ON GOING PROBLEM, FIX IT! But I just gave a few examples of little things he has mentioned. Then he said when he talked to Ethan he didn't give an example of what she was doing that was mean he just said "she was being mean to me." So, in his mind that makes Ethan the guilty party!
This little girl already had to have a conference with her parents, teacher, principal, and many other people regarding her behavior and Ethan has NEVER had a problem! So, I think that he should look more at the past two months to come to a conclusion of what is happening instead of going with a five year old who knows he is in trouble couldn't give me any specifics!
Also, if Ms. Nancy from Kai and Olivia's school had called and said either one of then had pushed hit kicked you name it I would have just thought they were being beasts. Ethan on the other hand is just a much shyer nicer personality. Where hurt feelings are more of an issue then getting punched in the stomach.
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