
Brian Update

I just got word that Brian might not be coming home and so I just wanted to ask a favor to anyone who reads this to please take a moment and pray for us that he will be able to. I just feel like this has been a crazy nightmare and I want it to be over. I just keep praying that everything will work out and I know it will, but just ask you to take a quick moment to pray for him to come home to us. Thanks!


Jackie and Kirk said...

Danae, you are and will keep being in my prayers. This is such a roller coaster, I know, but know that we will do whatever we can for you and your family! On a side note....I'm bringing you sticky chicken on Friday for dinner, let me know what time is best to drop it off!

Fireball said...

You have been in our prayers all week. We are so here for you. Your kids were great yesterday! We had so much fun although I could tell that Kai wasn't feeling well. Keep resting and call me if you need anything.

The Shaw Family said...

Tally up 2 more people praying for you. Jeff and I are very concerned and wish we could be there to help out. Your family is in every prayer we say. Make sure you call the temple and ask for your names to be put on the prayer roll. It's easy, takes a few seconds and is worth it. We love you!

The Shaw Family said...

On second thought, I will call the temple right now.

Shama said...

Danae, My heart aches for you and Brian. We will pray for a quick return for him and good health for you and the baby. I'm so sorry you are going through this. It really sucks.

Mark and Kattie said...

You are in our prayers, for sure.

ganelle said...

Much love and lots of prayers...