
New Christmas Traditions

(putting ornaments on the tree - 2009)

So at this point in the month we have gotten requests from each one of the kids' teachers for our family traditions. I don't think I have given it much thought until this year and I am sad to say I don't think we have enough. We read Christmas stories each night in the month of December. We open one present on Christmas Eve which is of course PJ's, and then read the story of Jesus while wearing said PJ's. We leave cookies and milk out for Santa, but that pretty much sums up our season.

After watching Modern Family last (which if you don't want it you really really should) I have decided that we need to branch out, we need MORE! Also the fact that Ethan wrote about a Halloween tradition instead of Christmas proves we are in short supply. 

I am looking into getting the book Elf on the Shelf which is a fun book that comes with an elf the shows up in a different spot each day watching the kids so he can report back to Santa. I think the kids would go crazy for that!

So today I am on a mission to find more traditions to add. I would love to hear what you are doing to make make memories with you children.

By the way it is a whopping 11 degrees outside! We are warming up!


Kathy said...

Nannie use to get us kids an ornament every year. When we left home, we got to take "our" ornaments with us. I still buy Jamie, Rachel & Aaron an ornament each year and now the grandbabies too. It is a fun tradition! Love you all tons and miss you too!!!! Aunt Jan
p.s. PLEASE take some pictures of all of you with your mom & dad & Chris & Eden (if possible) and email it to me ASAP so I can get Aaron's ibook made and mailed to Peru. We are waiting on you all!!! Thanks doll baby!!!

Durben Family said...

Hi Danae! We miss you guys! Did you find a place for your gorgeous tree...? I always treat myself to a new Christmas music CD (my favorite of all time is an Elvis set), and of course we have to make some reindeer food. I think I'll try to keep the cookie party going too. The kids love, love, love to doorbell ditch goodies... we're working up to a 'Twelve Days to Christmas' tradition. (They still need to practice their covert skillz! Happy Holidays!

Angela&Rene said...

One xmas tradition we had - other than opening one gift, was to ride around and look at Christmas lights after we went to church on Xmas eve.

ganelle said...

The fact that you have a bunch of well-engrained Halloween traditions just CRACKS me up! You are so great! :)

Some of our favorites: gingerbread houses, decorating sugar cookies with friends, advent calendar, etc (wait, all these involve food, hmmm.)

The Shaw Family said...

This is one I am borrowing from my sister-in-law. They have an extra stocking for Jesus. On Christmas Eve each of the family members write down (or have their parents write for them) a gift they will give Jesus that year. The "gift" goes in the stocking and is taken out the next Christmas Eve. It's a good way to set goals and see how you've done each year.