
Ultrasound Day!

It has finally arrived! We are so excited to get to see the baby and make sure he/she is growing perfectly. I made the decision to take the kids today with us for the appointment. Ethan and Olivia are very curious about the baby and I think will love it. That left Kai! I couldn't leave him out of such a great family moment and he too is excited about the baby, but he is 2 1/2. So today if you could take a second to pray for our little baby that everything will look great today, and we will be able to see if it is a boy or girl. Also for the kids that they will enjoy the moment and that Kai won't get super board! Thanks and I will update as soon as I get home!


FOX said...

Good luck!!! How exciting!!!!!!

jaesi said...

wait a freaking second!!!!!
did I know you were preg????
4?!!! you really are crazy. But I love it and am sooo happy for you!
I say another boy....:)

ganelle said...

I'm anxious to hear!!!