

Well, I guess I should just come out and say it.... I LOVE TV SHOWS. I mean really LOVE them. I have my whole life, it is just who I am.

Over the past five or six years (notice the time frame connection to the age of my oldest child) my show count has dropped dramatically. It even got to the point where I didn't have a single show that I watched every week. About a year ago I realized this and decided I must find a show to love and live for. I do know that most "normal" people at this point would have been happy to have rid themselves of such a major time waster.

Well, NOT ME!

So, I went in search of a show to call my own! I found it and have loved The Office ever since. Thanks to The Office I happily added 30 Rock to my watching agenda and most recently Kath & Kim. I don't know about you that is a pretty rockin' Thursday night line up!

Now onto my real point of this post which got lost a long time ago. Since I am what I will refer to here as a "creative nurser" (translation full time pumper, sorry if that is too much info) I spend 10-20 minutes in my room every three hours just sitting. It is very difficult to do just about anything at the same time as this "creative nursing" so I decided I needed something that I LOVED to do at the same time in hopes to mediate my HATE for this "creative nursing."

So, I went in search once again. This time what I found was the best show on television, a total jackpot.

Friday Night Lights

Brian has kindly obliged my love for this show and has been watching it with me as we are trying to catch up to season three. After about four or five episode, of any show we start, Brian and I ask each other who our favorite character is. And it happened the same with Friday Night Lights. After we discussed our favorites Brian brought up a very good point that I always pick the same type of character.

As I laid down that night I did a run through of all my all time favorite shows and my favorite character in each.

Dylan from Beverly Hills 90210

Bailey from Party of Five

Hyde from That 70's Show
Pacey from Dawson's Creek
And finally my new favorite from Friday Night Lights
#33 Tim Riggins

I guess Brian is right... there is a connection between them all.



Vanessa said...

I love all of your new pictures! So cute!

ganelle said...

So, I'm not totally sure what the connection is between them all. Maybe you like the insightful/funny/adorable guy? I thought I had it figured but then Hyde threw me off.

What do you see as the connection??