

6 years

4 children

2 dogs 7 puppies

3 cities 4 homes 5 cars

Happy Anniversary Brian.... I love you!


jaesi said...

holy cow! Happy 6 to you both!
those numbers say alot!

jaesi said...

p.s. I loooove that picture.

The Shaw Family said...

Happy number 6! You are such a great couple. Here's to the future!

Rachel and Steve said...

Danae, I remember that day clear as a bell, you were so beautiful! Congratulations to the both of you!!

Blonski fam said...

Happy Anniversary- late.
I love the picture!! You guys are too cute together.

Tiffany Jones said...

The thing that kills me is that you look the same 6 years and 4 children later! Not Fair!

Angela&Rene said...

Great picture - I've never seen that. Aren't you two the cutest! ;) Hope you are enjoying the vacation with the kids!